How much does everything Cost?
Please check all the costs for A2P Registration and Carrier fees under the Twilio section above. Here are the costs for everything else in BILT CRM.
Reminder: Your usage is your usage. Not all items are necessary and are simply there if you want to use them. A more detailed explanation for some of these features are located below the costs. For any further questions, please send us a support ticket by going to www.BILTcrm.com/support
Phone Calls $ 0.0094 / Min Receiving calls $.0154/min Making Calls $10.00 allows you to make 650 calls OR Receive 1065 calls
TEXT Messages $.0087/Text/Segment (1 segment=160 characters) $10.00 allows you to send/receive 1150 segments
Phone Numbers $1.265 per number per MONTH
Phone Validation $0.005 cents PER validation (will tell if the phone number is a landline or not. If it is a landline, it will enable the DND and stop you from sending a message to that contact. Helps with your failure rates for twilio and keeps your reputation score higher!) (Default this is turned OFF, go to settings, click on business info, and turn on
LC Email (you can integrate your OWN email as well for FREE) .000743 per Email $10.00 will give you about 13460 emails
LC Email Verification (ONLY FOR LC EMAIL to Verify, not required) CONTACT SUPPORT IF YOU WANT TO TURN THIS ON! $.00375/Email Verification $10 will give you about 2665 Email Verifications
CONTENT AI (Not required, only pay if you use it) $.117/1000 Words $10 will give you about 85470 words
LC Premium Triggers & Actions (Not required, only pay if you use it) $.015/workflow premium action $10.00 will give you about 665 Workflow Premium Actions
Conversational AI $.07/message Training: FREE $10 will give you about 145 messages
Review AI $.10 per response