Using Filters and Bulk Actions in Conversations

Using Filters and Bulk Actions in Conversations

July 30, 20241 min read

Organizing your messages is easier than ever with Bulk Actions and Filters in Conversations. In this article, you’ll learn what you can do in the Conversations tab to ensure you don’t miss out on opportunities with your leads.

Bulk actions

  • Here, you can Mark as unread, read, starred (important to mark important conversations, conversations to come back to, and personal categorizing), unstarred, and delete unwanted messages.

  • Select individual contacts or all loaded contacts. Click load more to select more.


By using the Quick filter, you can filter by:

  • Assigned

  • Last Message Direction

  • Last Outbound Message Type

  • Last Message Channel

  • Here, you can choose to view messages from Latest to oldest or oldest to latest.

Moe Ameen is a real estate investor, software creator, and general over-caffeinated human who somehow made automation cool (or at least tolerable). He built a cutting-edge real estate CRM because manually chasing leads is so last century. Specializing in creative finance, deal structuring, and making things unnecessarily efficient, he helps investors close more deals while doing less actual work. When he's not automating the real estate world, he’s probably pretending to work while staring at spreadsheets or convincing himself that buying another domain name is a good idea.

Moe Ameen | BILT CRM

Moe Ameen is a real estate investor, software creator, and general over-caffeinated human who somehow made automation cool (or at least tolerable). He built a cutting-edge real estate CRM because manually chasing leads is so last century. Specializing in creative finance, deal structuring, and making things unnecessarily efficient, he helps investors close more deals while doing less actual work. When he's not automating the real estate world, he’s probably pretending to work while staring at spreadsheets or convincing himself that buying another domain name is a good idea.

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